What your new cat NEEDS:
Litter box
be sure to size appropriately for your cats & rule of thumb is 1 box/cat + 1
Litter (non-clumping is best for young kittens)
paper or
pellet bedding from Tractor Supply, it's super inexpensive!
hard plastic is best, be sure they have room to move around and that the carrier closes securely every time
Cat food (dry kibble) ADULT or KITTEN
(feed kitten food for first year of life) -- transition slowly when changing brand of food to avoid upset stomachs!
Cat food (wet food) for ADULT or KITTEN
you want them to learn to like wet food in moderation
Water bowl (can come from your kitchen, they can't read that their bowl says "CAT"!)
glass or stainless steel recommended as plastic can cause some problems for cats
Soft, warm, safe place to sleep
Safe space to hide until comfortable (even a cardboard box on it's side
Safe place to scratch
cardboard or post -- tall is good if they like to stretch
Grooming Tools
What he'd probably like:)
for an endless supply of fresh running water to encourage cats to drink more
Automatic food dispenser or Dual
nice if they're alone during the day
Automatic litter box, here are some favorites: LitterRobot, Scoopfree Crystal
(this will be a favorite napping place, so look for soft and plush)
(for those cold winter days, these only heat when an animal sits in it and amazing for older cats)
Cat Condo -- so many options
MUST be breakaway for safety, but we prefer no collar at all; leave room for two fingers between collar & neck
Scratchers (cardboard or post)
tall is good if they like to stretch)
(catnip infused, bouncy balls, laser pointer etc)
cats like to play and exercise is good!
BEST toys ever, bouncy tails!
We have listed our (and our cats') favorite items for this list!
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Tips for Cat Owners
Bringing young kittens home has its own challenges -- see some tips below
Kitten proof, just like you would with a new baby or toddler
Remove hazards like wires (things they could chew on or get tangled up in)
Make sure toys are safe, and nothing too high for them to fall from -- cats are daredevils by nature and young kittens lack the dexterity & grace that older cats tend to have
Confine to a small room at first, making sure they have a safe hiding space where you can see them without moving furniture etc to ensure they are safe) and where they can easily find a litterbox -- gradually give them more freedom as they grow and become more confident
use non-clumping litter as kittens do sometimes want to eat clumping clay litter; this can cause a life threatening bowel obstruction
Feed kitten food (both wet and dry kibble) through their first year of life
Introducing a new cat into your home -- check out these sites and tips for helpful information to minimize the natural anxiety cats feel with any changes:
Helping new cat adjust -- go slow and be patient; give them a single room where they can decompress, as cats don't always handle sudden changes well
Feliway Diffusers can really help a nervous or anxious cat (or your own as they adjust!)
Be sure to continue feeding the same food they've been eating, and make changes slowly by mixing food if you wish to feed a different brand -- sudden dietary changes can result in bellyaches and diarrhea for a cat
Introducing a new cat into home with existing animals -- go slow, full acclimation can take months for cats; a new cat entering a home should always be given a room to themselves, and cats can sniff each other through doors, receive food/treats in their own space -- and eventually you can allow them to change spaces to sniff each other out and explore
Be very wary of recliners with cats -- they like to tuck themselves into new spaces and can easily be pinched or crushed when recliner is put away; when moving furniture, tuck your cats away in a safe room and always be aware of where they are when moving large items
Most cats love to have a space high off the floor where they can escape to, whether from a dog or other cat, or just to feel safe and secure -- cat condos are wonderful for this purpose, and many have boxes/cubbies that can be used as hiding spaces.
Be sure to have plenty of GOOD scratching options -- cardboard scratchers and posts -- this will help protect your furniture; rub catnip on surfaces where you WANT them to scratch
How to clip your cat's nails (video)
Nail Clippers -- be sure to never clip into the quick!
General Cat Tips & Tricks
Personalities don't fully develop for several months -- the snuggly kitten you see at 8 weeks may end up with an entirely different personality by the time he/she is 6 months old! If your heart is set on a specific personality you may have better luck adopting an older kitten or adult cat
Wet food should be offered occasionally; you want your cat to learn to like it as appetites get more selective as they age and sometimes dry food becomes difficult to eat -- also in the event that you need to medicate your cat, wet food as a treat can be the trick needed!
Litterboxes & Litter
Cats are selective with litter types and boxes -- give options for both including litterboxes with and without a cover and see what your cat prefers
Scoop often, and if you don't want to scoop often, consider an automatic litterbox!
Crystals, Pretty Litter and traditional clumping TidyCat are typically the favorites; for kittens paper litter or even pellet bedding from Tractor Supply is best -- pellets are $4.99/40 pound bag! Inexpensive and easy to dump the whole litterbox and refill...